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Tediore Reload Axton kills Terramorphous in 4 seconds.avi
Borderlands 2 : Terramorphous Tediore Reload Solo! (Mostly)
Borderlands 2 - Terramorphus 10mill tediore reload
Borderlands 2: Amazing Tediore Reload
Axton Vs Terramorphous 6 Second Kill
Axton Tediore Avenger Kill on OP8 Hyperius
Awesome feature w/ skag and tediore reload | Borderlands3
OP8 Voracidous Axton Tediore Chuck 35 sec
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel: Weird Tediore Reload Throw Glitch.
Borderlands 2 Terramorphous - (Old Kill)
OP8 Voracidous VS Axton FlakAhab/Tediore in 20 seconds
Borderlands 2 Mongolbath Axton Vs OP8 Terramorphous in 38 secs